Paris 2012

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Trippin' Down the Cobblestones...

Apologies to Simon & Garfunkle for stealing part of a line from "Feeling Groovy", but that's what we're doing & how we're feeling.

This year we each have a camera.  Susanne has the newer one.  Her memory card has over 3000+ images capacity, so she goes off & does her thing.  I get to see her work the next day.

She loves gargoyles.  Here are a couple of her shots from Notre Dame yesterday that I switched to monochrome.  I tend to think of the Middle Ages in those terms.   Life even for royalty was anything but colorful back then.

Her super-duper telephoto lens lets her get downright chummy with these bad boys.

We walked over to Invalides.  A single photo doesn't quite get the enormity of the place so I took this vid.  No comment, no dramatic music, just background street noise.  If you're viewing this by email, scroll to the top of the post & click on Steve's Travel Blog.

That mostly hidden gold dome behind the building is where Napoleon is buried.  His penchant for making war not love killed off lots & lots of Frenchmen, yet he is their hero.

Street musician in Place des Voges, violin case open to receive donations.  I always toss in a few coins... as I've said before, it's honest work.

The electronic age is upon them.  On the ground behind her is a cd/mp3 player.  So when I heard her from around the corner, I thought we were coming upon a string ensemble with a violin soloist.  Actually I was correct, just not quite the visual in my head.

Family time.  Gots to run.  Sorry.

P.S.  Next post will be exclusively Susanne pics.

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