Paris 2012

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Technical Note

I also subscribed to this blog using my email address.  However, the two videos (the young girl texter & a panorama of Fontainebleau) did not appear in that version of the blog. 

They're there but for whatever the reason, stripped them off the email.  If that happened to you, just go directly to the blog <>  and view the videos there.

Sorry!!  One of the unanticipated potential problems.


On another note, as I was midway thru the 1st paragraph above at about 4:30pm local time, the hotel's very loud fire alarm went off.  We're near the front desk but a door to the desk that's always open was closed.  There was no confirmation of a problem...i.e. no sight or smell of a fire, but we are one level up from the street.

So we'd better leave the room & go downstairs.  Now comes the decision what to take.  The passports & wallets, of course.  I powered down the netbook & out we went to the hallway when we were assured by the staff (the door was now open) that there was no problem.

Actually, there still was a problem...the alarm sound source was right outside our door & was just a half notch below ear-splitting.  So we went to the lounge area til they shut it off.

Enough excitement for one afternoon.

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