Paris 2012

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Another Practice Post

I've tried to make some adjustments to the typeface & size, so let's see how it works out.

We have friends in New Zealand that I've known since my Motorola days in the '70's.  We were last there in 2007 and although they live in Auckland, we traveled together in the Marlborough wine country in the northern part of the South Island.

Give the four of us a car, an apartment with a couple of bedrooms and one kitchen and we do just fine.

It's very convenient to Skype Doug & Raewyn because mid-afternoon Sunday in Scottsdale is an Auckland mid-morning Monday. 

Doug & I chatted in July and decided in 2015 we will all meet up somewhere in the world and do some cities/countries together...further discussion deferred til October.

Here are the four of us engaging in a pre-lunch winery ritual.

But I digress.

On previous trips, Susanne & I shared our camera but on this trip, she will have her own little Nikon point-&-shoot with a 22x telephoto.  Me, I'm stuck with the old Nikon, a mere 10x.

One of our to-do's on this trip is a family picnic.  We'll shop for wine, bread, cheese, some cold cuts, cornichons & whatever else.  The landlord has a blanket.  We'll head over to the oldest and prettiest square in Paris, Place des Voges, about three blocks from our apt.

Susanne took this pic there a couple of years back.

In the Louvre courtyard we took a selfie before it got that name.

I'm going to publish this so I can have a look at the changes.

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