Paris 2012

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Getting Close

I'm in email contact with our two landladies, Marjorie in Bozeman and Jen/Missoula, paying the final rental amounts.

Both women have their rental places out back.  In Bozeman it's a garage and we stay upstairs.  In Missoula, it's a cottage way in the back.

It seems they have rather interesting names for their accommodations.  So I thought I'd share them with you.  The photos are taken from the web, so the quality isn't the greatest.   

Both of these pics are shot in the summer and cropped to best advantage.  So when I see the Google streetview, taken in the early spring, it's alot less glamorous, bare trees & all.  Reality strikes!!

Here is the Garaj Mahal (love the name), built in 2009:

We enter on the left (it faces the street) then go up the stairs.   The garage doors face an alley.  It's on-street parking...don't really care since our car will be a rental.


And here we have Rattlesnake Cottage.  I'm hoping that's not describing the neighbors.  Doesn't look like it was built anywhere near 2009.

I think our lodgings will be very long on quaintness.  What else will be an adventure.  And you'll know all about it!

Gots to do more packing...

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